About Us

Meet the passionate minds behind BisonIQ! We’re a team of dedicated individuals driven by a shared mission to help companies with data. With diverse backgrounds and expertise, we combine our strengths to offer Data Analytics consultancy. Get to know the faces behind the work below.

I bring 17 years of experience helping small and mid-sized businesses leverage the power of data. My journey began as a BI developer, where I gained a deep understanding of the data and analytics life cycle from the ground up. Over time, I progressed to leadership roles, including lead, manager, and head of analytics, honing my skills in stakeholder interaction and strategic planning.

As a freelance consultant since 2009, I’ve successfully delivered over 200 projects across diverse industries.

Combining my passion for data and deep technical knowledge, I empower businesses to thrive through data-driven insights.

Certified Microsoft Solutions and EPM expert with MSc in Data Science & AI (University of Liverpool).
Led Datastudiox, an Analytics-as-a-Service company, helping clients globally leverage data for improved performance.
Business Intelligence Manager with extensive experience in developing BI solutions and training non-technical users on cutting-edge tools (BI, Automation, Low-code Apps, Advanced Analytics).